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New campaign against driving under the influence of alcohol

Game exchange to festival with the family! – Karaokefest ends up in wild shooting and a broken nose in bloody film for the safe traffic.

The Council for the safe traffic is out with new campaign against driving under the influence of alcohol - and what a campaign!

A production, which seems more like a filmopsætning, which requires a large-scale Premiere festival, than a simple advertising, but film is, after all, we best they can live us to.

And what film! Festival, druk, acceptance and Max exchange! How does it in the advertising for the safe traffic? See with and learn!

Vildt skyderi til fest med FAMILIEN! – Karaokefest ender i vilde skyderier og en brækket næse i blodig film for sikker trafik.

Rådet for Sikker Trafik er ude med ny kampagne mod kørsel under påvirkning af alkohol - og sikken kampagne!

En produktion, som ligner mere en filmopsætning, der kræver en storstilet premiere fest, end en simpel reklame, men film er trods alt det, vi lettest kan leve os ind i.

Og sikken film! Fest, druk, flirt og max skyderi! Hvordan passer det ind i en reklame for sikker trafik? Se med og lær!

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