3D Pros Highlights – Meet the 3D Pros and get a preview of what's happening in 3D TV, gaming, movies, and sports.
3D Films Just Aren’t the Same in 2D – Great storytelling can happen in 2D or 3D. But when you watch a 3D movie in 2D, you’re missing out.
The Start of 3D Exploration in Film – The 3D action film definitely has an audience. But what about the 3D drama? Mauro Fiore thinks there’s a place for many genres in 3D.
Shark Night 3D: Planning a Shot – David Ellis maps out his plan for setting up a pivotal scene for Shark Night 3D while on location in Louisiana.
Live Events = The Greatest Reality Television – See the build for the 2010 X Games at the L.A. Coliseum, as Chris Stiepock explains how ESPN sets up for the perfect 3D shot.
Fragging Orcs – Shanna Tellerman explains how camera and motion controllers will change the way gamers interact with and experience games.
Fragging Orcs – Shanna Tellerman explains how camera and motion controllers will change the way gamers interact with and experience games.